Physiotherm Infrared (ir) Therapeutic Sauna

Physiotherm IR Sauna
Physiotherm Infra Red Sauna

As part of any detoxification program it is very helpful to remove toxins through sweating.

Our skin is our largest organ with a surface area of 2 square metres.

With Physiotherm Infra Red Sauna, muscles, joints and even internal organs are warmed by your circulatory system, not just by hot air heating the skin, as happens in a regular sauna.

This allows you to sit and breathe comfortably throughout the 40-45 minute session, resulting in a far deeper and more profound sweat.

Infrared heat induced sweat contains 5-6 times more toxins, fat and impurities than normal sweat.

Physiotherm is the highest quality Infrared sauna on the market.

Enjoy this relaxing treatment in conjunction with colonics or by itself and comfortably eliminate heavy metals, metabolic wastes, environmental toxins, fat, cholesterol, alcohol, drugs and nicotine.

If you love it as much as I do, you can even buy your very own cabin!

Try before you buy and I will have one delivered direct to your home.


  • Get your Vitamin D here

    The Sunshine Vitamin is something almost all of us are deficient in. Vitamin D is essential for the prevention of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Physiotherm promotes Vitamin D  production in your body without exposing your skin to harmful UV rays

  • Remove Toxins and Heavy Metals

    Heavy metals may have been ingested through sources such  as drinking water, eating fish, insecticides or pesticides. Sweat them out in the Physiotherm Infra Red Sauna!

  • Glowing Radiant Skin

    no time for a holiday? Get the holiday glow without a suntan

  • Reduce Cellulite

    Afterall, who likes cellulite?

  • Natural Pain Relief and healing of sports injuries

    Great for back pain, arthritis, aching joints or tired muscles

  • Boost metabolism and aid weight loss

    Physiotherm has been shown to burn calories and can be helpful in conjunction with a controlled diet

  • Exercises the Cardiovascular system

    IR therapy can be used if you are unable to exercise or to supplement your existing exercise program or even as a warm up before exercise to prevent injuries.

  • Boost immune system

    Keep colds at bay! When I am feeling a little run-down, a session in the physiotherm prevents a full blown cold

  • Boost mood & lifts depression: Sunlight therapy

    Relieves S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder), giving you that “feel-good” and “well-being” factor

  • Promotes deep restful sleep

    Say Goodnight to insomnia!

  • Colour therapy

    Play with the Colour therapy light box to enhance relaxation or promote inspirational thinking or stimulation

  • Improves Circulation

    Physiotherm effectively improves blood circulation at just 30-40 degrees

Learn more

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2 thoughts on “Physiotherm Infrared (ir) Therapeutic Sauna”

  1. Pingback: Your Questions About Infrared Saunas Safe — Infrared Saunas

  2. Hilary Jane Beresford

    I have a corner physiotherm infra-red therapeutic sauna. Please could you send me the construction brochure.
    Kind regards

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